Well, I am finishing day 3 of a 21 day Daniel fast. Please don’t
get me wrong, I don’t say that to brag on myself, but to brag on the Lord (who
is teaching me so much already), and in hopes you decide to give it a try too.
In so many ways I wish I had been doing this more regularly, it is such an
essential discipline, and so few people practice it.
First, I am finding out how week I truly am. I literally feel
like I am dying for some of my usual cravings, or really anything that I can’t
have right now. Working at my job (a chocolate store) tonight, I found out that
my mind could make up just about any excuse to convince me to take something
sweet. It was amazing! I never knew how inventive my mind could be when it wanted something (I didn’t
give in, thankfully). I feel my flesh starting to rebel against this already. It’s
a terrible and wonderful feeling. I know my spirit is stronger, I won't let my flesh-self lead.
Also, toady I found out how much more important the
word of God is
that food (I knew it was more, but this was a particular potent
experience). This morning I forgot to read my usual passage or two,
though I
managed to eat my fruit without forgetting. When we called the shop to
check on
my car, and found out they had forgotten to look at it, I threw an
“adult”, righteous-anger-like
tantrum. It was horrifying, I was horrified with myself. I knew it was
time to
jump back in the Word, felt better. And I thought the lack of food would
be making me grumpy!
I have been learning about patience, and pressing in toward
God. I know there is more of this to come. For some reason I expected immediate
results, but they are not coming. Realistically I know though, I am going to
have to press in further, and struggle more, before I break through to the
answers I need. If (God forbid), I have to go another month than planned, I
will. There are questions that NEED answers, I need direction, I need open
doors, and there is a good chance I don’t even really know what I really need!
I am expectant, I am pressing on. Join me if you dare to find out who you truly
are behind your comfortable and well-fed façade!
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